Friday, 18 January 2013

First Bellingen Bellopy organic market Friday 18 January 2013

First Bellopy Market was held at the St Margaret's Anglican Church, Bellingen 
on Friday 18 January 2013

There was a large attendance at this first market, with people interested in the wide range of products, including a cooked meal for hungry shoppers

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Susan's report  on the first market held on Friday 18 January 2013 follows, in case you cannot find it on a busy facebook - Click on facebook for more comments and other photos

this market was a one stop shop!! as it should be ...bring it on!

well well well....our first market day and we rocked! the venue was PERFECT so thank you thank you thank you Tim Cadman and the team at the angliocan church.

Thank you bellingenites, nambucians, valladaians, urungatans and maxvillians, not to mention coffsonians and the dorrigans for your wonderful support we had a really fantastic turnout.....nice and steady for most of the day....despite the soaring temperatures!

If you like the market spread the word and lets turn up the volume...the more people come the better the growers will do and the more growers we will attract.

The community response has been fantastic ...and hopefully you all got a taste of what an organic/biodynamic humane choice market looks and feels like. A dream come true....the quality of produce was outstanding...and a BIG BIG thank you to all the stallholders some of whom were up at 3.30am to get here today which i feel very grateful for. They all had a great day and will be back regularly...phew...

last minute email to get some music and we got the best...kelly stoner and co jammed for us for a few hours and the whole vibe of the market was so great to have you play Kel and feel free to come and practise anytime. Vick and the boys will be back to play for us in two weeks.

Because we dont have the money to pay for music please drop some money in a hat for them next time. Anyone wanting to play at the bellopys can contact me directly my number is on the flyer. we would love to have you as long as its low key...folksy etc... no pa system available.

For those of you who have had your first taste of the market you now know you can come and get organic breaky and lunches on site. Pung and i made biodynamic egg and herb omelettes served on organic hearthfire baked paninis with chilli. For lunch we cranked up smoked jagerwusrt pork sausages from sandras mayfield farm in hernani with sauerkraut and mustard again on hearthfire paninis. Pungs delicious vietnamese rolls sold out..of course! .... and they will be bigger and better next market...were just warming up!! along with her organic satay chicken skewers and homemade peanut sauce.

We will also have ther buzz stop boys doing coffee from now on and they will also be selling am,elia franklins fairtrade organic roasted beans...yay!

For those who stopped by bondy's tent....and who didnt...the pork buns sold out before 10am......!! i know he will be bring a lot more to next market. Bondy also sells fantastic organic humane choice pork.

Sandra Bannerman your sausages and bacon were unbelievable.

A reminder that this market is 100% organic/biodynamic...fruit n veg, humane choice raised animals. Every farm has/will be visited by myself to ensure the quality of the produce being sold here. All the prepared , packaged food, jams, chutneys, dips, and cooked food is 85% organic/biodynamic in line with industry standards.

At our first market day we had organic/humane choice pork and pork related products, sausages, bacon, roasts and more.... marrook farm yogurts and cheeses.....and whilst Dave who opened the market with me today wont be here for a while....ill be selling you his fantastic hard cheeses and maybe the fetta and quarg. Whilst i wont do nearly as a good a job at it....i dont think you'll really care as long as you can buy it...right? thanks for everything know how much it means to us. hope you had fun with us.

There was an amazing selection of produce from our growers, sissy and peter, amanda from orange moon..your stuff was amazing today! , tonys peaches and plums-were fantastic, bondy, max and rob...your seedlings are the bnest around.... and a debut for michael and jodi's produce from dorrigo...welcome aboard.

It was so great to see new faces on the scene from nymboidia, dorrigo and hernani which meant a broader selection of fruit and veg for all of us here. Because the market is free it means some newcomers had a go and set up a table and that meant more choice for the buyers, so the small home growers could have a go and get in on the spirit of things.

The macadamia nuts from dave and kerry flinterss farm in Eylands were huge! they also had sugaraed and chocolate coated macadamia nuts, and macadamia nut spread.

Raw food was a hit...thanks laura ...unbelieveable if you didnt stop by here table you missed out and will have to come back in two weeks to see what she art.

There was a great selection of pickles, chutneys and jams.....from several growers....ute and one pot organic and sue kelly's marmalade still the best i have ever had... ...and who cant go past a good davidson plum jam!

Great selection and herbs from jimmy and lisa. Jai brought us unbelievable honey brush box and tea tree with new flavours to sample and enjoy.

Kate and her edible looking soaps and candles from urunga were absolutely gorgeous...and what more coulod we want on a 42 degree day? thanks god for the green grocers juices made by angle and team....they were much needed today and if you didnt try the apple lime and mint get one next time.

Hearthfire breads were also available and they kicked butt...well done dave.

last but not least wendy thanks for your great plants selection ....

In a months time we will be selling humane choice chicken and beef from several farms which will be fantastic.

Next market we will also have john from lindseys seafood and oysters in urunga jumping in and a few more edible surprises. Daves bananas will also be here.

gaps in the market:
organic cakes and biscuits were missing today,
stuff for kids to snack on.....
pasta and pasta sauces- its basil and tomatoe season ?
fruit and avocados -
dried fruit- olivia? where are have the machine no?

last but not least a BIG thanks you to all the growers who donated their left over produce to jenny and the team at vintage nest life pantry. For anyone on health care card the pantry (at the rear lane ...back of the cafe) from 10am sell 9 items for $10 , free bread and now organic fruit and veg. Feel free to go down and support them...the pantry has a really big selection of grocery items at a very much reduced rate.

Thanks to kim honan for doing the rural report live this morning from the markets and we hope that it attracts more people to the markets and more growers for us to enjoy.

This is a community market, shopping here every week means we keep our farmers in business, we support our environment by lower food miles and nil packaging and we get the best quality food that can be grown.

So spread the word far and wide and bring your bags and baskets and look forward to seeing you all in two weeks. We aim to go weekly in march.

thanks susan weil

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