Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Congratulations on success of 2012 workshops

Re-skilling workshops 2012
Olivia e zucchina

Congratulations to Olivia on a very successful  season of Re-skilling workshops in 2012.

109 participants took part and learned valuable new skills. Bellingen is now more resilient.
for photos click here and scroll down 

Thanks to the facilitators for their expertise and dedication

Sue Kelly & Ute Kardinahl (Making Jams, Pickles and Conserves with local and seasonal produce)
Penny Burrows (Sourdough bread)
Rosa Fortunata & Olivia Bernardini (Wild Fermentation learn -  to make sauerkraut, beet kvass, kefir and rejuvelac)
Sue Rees (Introduction to Bee Keeping)
Ian Slorach (Edible WIld Plants & Weeds)
Gai Stern & May Smith (Cheese Making forBeginners)

Thanks to Vicki for “masterchefing” the financial accounts

The workshops were supported by the Council environmental levy and there are some "leftovers" click here  for information on what is happening in early 2013.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Jams and Pickles 2 2 December 2012

The workshop was held at Bellingen High School kitchen on 2 December 

Sourdough workshop 4 November 2012 photographs

Sourdough bread making workshop 4 November 2012

photographs taken by Olivia and provided by Ute Kardinahl, from this very successful workshop

Monday, 3 December 2012

Edible Weeds Workshop Sunday 7 October 2012

Edible Weeds Workshop 7 October  - photographs

If anyone knows the names of the weeds identified and how they can be used please email and the information will be added to the blog